Special Abilities

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Special Abilities

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Listed below are all the special abilities and effects in The Battle Cats. The effects of some abilities can be improved by getting the Fruit Treasures or the activation of certain Cat Combos.

Contents 1 Attack Types 1.1 Single Target 1.2 Area Attack 1.3 Multi-Hit 1.4 Long Distance 1.5 Omni Strike 2 Trait-specific Abilities 2.1 Weaken 2.2 Freeze 2.3 Slow 2.4 Attacks Only 2.5 Strong Against 2.6 Resistant 2.7 Insanely Tough 2.8 Massive Damage 2.9 Insane Damage 2.10 Knockback 2.11 Warp 2.12 Curse 2.13 Dodge Attack 2.14 Toxic 3 Neutral Abilities 3.1 Strengthen 3.2 Survive 3.3 Base Destroyer 3.4 Critical 3.5 Burrow 3.6 Revive 3.7 Metal 3.8 Zombie Killer 3.9 Soulstrike 3.10 Barrier 3.11 Shield 3.12 Barrier Breaker 3.13 Shield Piercing 3.14 Savage Blow 3.15 Extra Money 3.16 Wave Attack 3.17 Mini-Wave 3.18 Surge Attacks 3.19 Mini-Surge 3.20 Aftermath 3.21 Counter-Surge 3.22 Wave Shield 3.23 Colossus Slayer 3.24 Behemoth Slayer 3.25 Kamikaze 4 Immunities 4.1 Immune to Weaken 4.2 Immune to Freeze 4.3 Immune to Slow 4.4 Immune to Knockback 4.5 Immune to Waves 4.6 Immune to Surge 4.7 Warp Blocker 4.8 Immune to Curse 4.9 Immune to Toxic 5 Collaboration-exclusive Abilities 5.1 Witch Killer 5.2 Eva Angel Killer 6 Talent-exclusive Abilities 6.1 Resist 6.2 Stat Enhancements 7 Notes 8 Gallery 9 Trivia Attack Types[]

Attack Types determine how and when a unit attacks.

Single Target[] Single Attack Single Target JP Only one unit within range will be hit by this Unit's attacks.

Units with this ability will only damage the closest target in their attack range. If two targets are at the same distance, a random one takes the damage.

For a list of Cats with Single Target, see here.

For a list of enemies with Single Target, see here.

Area Attack[] Area Attack Area Attack JP All units within the unit's set attack field will take damage from its strikes.

Units with this ability will damage all enemies within range.

For a list of Cats with Area Attack, see here.

For a list of enemies with Area Attack, see here.

Multi-Hit[] This ability was added in BCJP 6.0 and is not shown in the filter.

This ability lets units perform up to two additional hits during their foreswing. The amount of damage dealt for each hit and when they occur vary among units.

Since the additional hits are all part of the same animation, being knocked back before the final hit can be executed will force the unit to start over from the first hit. Some units have abilities that activate only on certain hits of their attack, for example, Crazed Moneko deals 3 attacks in one cycle and only triggers a Critical Hit her last hit.

For a full list of Cats with "Multi-Hit", see here.

For a full list of enemies with "Multi-Hit", see here.

Long Distance[] Long Distance Long Distance JP Units at long distance will receive damage but attacks may miss units at closer range.

Always paired with either Single Target or Area Attack, units with this ability have a set area that damages enemies within when attacking. They have a minimum effective range in the positives and cannot harm any enemies closer to them, but they may hit further than their standing range too. For example, Nerd Cat stands at 1,200 range but may hit enemies up to 1,500 range away.

When reaching the enemy base, Long Distance will stop at the minimum effective range rather than attack range. Therefore, when reaching the enemy base, single-target units with Long Distance will only be able to hit said base, unless an enemy is perfectly aligned with the base, in which case it strikes one of them at random.

Some units, such as Ahirujo and Naala, have a minimum effective range of 1. While this doesn't matter much due to all units having at least 100 standing range, this also gives them a blindspot should an opposing unit clip into its hitbox, and they will stand dangerously close to the enemy base, leaving them open to all sorts of attacks.

To better understand how this ability functions, see Hitbox.

For a list of Cats with the "Long Distance" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Long Distance" ability, see here.

Omni Strike[] This ability was added in BCJP 6.10. Epicability3 EpicabilityJP3 Attacks enemies both ahead and behind unit in a wide area.

This ability is similar to Long Distance, but the minimum effective range is always negative (or 0) instead; the maximum effective range still varies based on the unit, which can give them a form of "piercing range" without a blind spot. Cat Units rarely have such a luxury, so for them Omni Strike is primarily used for hitting Zombies that burrow past them; the caveat is that units with Omni Strike can only damage enemies behind them if a target ahead is within their attack range for them to attack.

Some units, such as Mighty Aegis Garu and Black Okame, have less than -320 inner range (320 is the size of a hitbox), causing them to have a blind spot within their hitbox where they cannot damage enemies that clip inside, notably zombies.

When close to the enemy base, units with this ability will stop at their maximum effective range rather than their standing range.

To better understand how this ability functions, see Hitbox.

For a list of Cats with "Omni Strike", see here.

For a list of enemies with "Omni Strike", see here.

Trait-specific Abilities[]

Abilities in this section are listed under "Abilities" in the filter - with the exception of Toxic, which isn't listed there at all. They only affect indicated enemy types, which vary depending on the unit. The Curse effect disables all abilities in this section.

Weaken[] Weaken Indicated enemy types will have their attack power reduced for a set period.

Cats with this ability can decrease specific types of enemies' attack power, while enemies will weaken all cats. Effectiveness, duration and chance vary among units. The Fruit Treasures increase the duration of the effect against certain enemy traits by 20%.

This ability is affected by "Weaken" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Weaken" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Weaken" ability, see here.

Freeze[] Freeze Indicated enemy types will become unable to move for a set amount of time.

Also known as Stop, units with this ability can freeze enemies of specific types in place for a time, stopping both movement and attack animations. This effect does not prohibit the application of status effects, and cannot affect mandatory attack delays in between the unit's animations. The activation chance and effect duration vary among units. The Fruit Treasures increase the duration of the effect against certain enemy traits by 20%.

This ability is affected by "Freeze" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Freeze" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Freeze" ability, see here.

The Thunderbolt Cat Cannon can freeze all enemies. The Holy Blast Cat Cannon has this effect against all Zombies.

Slow[] Slow Indicated enemy types will have their speed reduced for a set amount of time.

Units with this ability can slow enemies of specific types down to a speed value of 0.5 (7.5 range per second) temporarily. The Fruit Treasures increase the duration of the effect against certain enemy traits by 20%.

This ability is affected by "Slow" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Slow" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Slow" ability, see here.

The Slow Beam Cannon also has this effect.

Attacks Only[] Attacks Only Attacks by this unit will only cause damage to a specific type of enemy target.

Cats with this ability will only hit bases and enemies of specific type, while not attacking if there aren't suitable targets. If said unit can generate a Surge Attack and hits a suitable enemy, the surge will still damage all enemies.

For a list of Cats with the "Attacks Only" ability, see here.

Strong Against[] Strong Against Indicated enemy types will take extra damage with damage received from that type also reduced.

Also known as just Strong, units with this ability will inflict 1.5x damage and only take 0.5x damage from specific enemy traits. The Fruit Treasures increase the damage bonus to 1.8x and reduce the damage penalty to 0.4x.

This ability is affected by "Strong" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Strong Against" ability, see here.

Resistant[] Resistant Damage received from indicated enemy types will be reduced significantly.

Also known as Tough, units with this ability take only 1/4 damage against specific enemy traits. The Fruit Treasures reduces it to 1/5 damage taken.

This ability is affected by "Resistant" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Resistant" ability, see here.

Insanely Tough[] Insanely tough Reduces damage taken from target enemies by an incredible amount.

Cat Units with this ability take only 1/6 of an enemy's total damage, making them incredibly durable against the type of enemy listed. The Fruit Treasures reduce the damage taken from certain enemy types to 1/7, but no Combos affect it.

For a list of Cats with the "Insanely Tough" ability, see here.

Massive Damage[] Massive Damage Indicated enemy types will take much more damage from unit attacks.

Units with this ability will inflict 3x damage to specific enemy traits. The Fruit Treasures increase the effect against certain enemy traits to 4x damage.

This ability is affected by "Massive Damage" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Massive Damage" ability, see here.

Insane Damage[] Insane damage Massively increases damage to target enemies by an incredible amount.

Cat Units with this ability will inflict 5x damage to certain types of enemies, making their attacks devastating against said targets. The Fruit Treasures increase the effect against certain enemy types to 6x damage, but no Combos affect it.

For a list of Cats with the "Insane Damage" ability, see here

Knockback[] Knockback Unit has a set chance to push indicated enemy types back towards their base.

Units with this ability can push enemies of specific traits back, while enemies will push back all units. The ability has a set chance to activate and varies between units. This effect is completely separate from the "Knockback" caused by %HP loss (or "Stagger" in technical terms). It will also be overwritten by said "Knockback" ("Stagger") effect if both are caused by the same attack. The animation of a knockback lasts for 12 frames, and units don't have a hitbox for the duration of it. The Fruit Treasures increase the knockback distance by 30%.

This ability is affected by "Knockback" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Knockback" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Knockback" ability, see here.

The default Cat Cannon/Sniper the Cat/Holy Blast has this effect against applicable enemies, though it is distinct from Knockback due to its shorter duration and lower distance. The Breakerblast Cannon has this effect as well.

Warp[] Warp Attacks may cause enemies to be Warped.

An ability exclusive to enemies. Depending on the success chance and attack type of the enemy, one or a group of Cats that get hit will disappear from the battlefield for a specific amount of time - provided they are not knocked back/destroyed - and reappear a specific distance ahead or behind their original position. The duration and distance vary depending on the enemy; as of 12.7, Everlord Wanwan has both the highest warp distance (2000) and longest abduction time (66.67s). Cats being warped still count toward the Cat Deploy Limit.

For a list of all Enemies with the "Warp" ability, see here.

Curse[] This ability was added in BCJP 7.0. Unitcurseicon Enemy cannot inflict negative status effects for a short time.

Units with this ability have a chance to Curse enemies of specific traits, with the duration varying based on the unit. This effect completely nullifies the vast majority of the target's special abilities (if any) until the Curse ends, including Weaken, Freeze, Slow, Attacks Only, Strong Against, Resistant, Insanely Tough, Massive Damage, Insane Damage, Knockback, Dodge Attack, Warp, Curse (ironically), and Toxic. Talent Orbs and abilities that aren't limited by trait (Critical, Extra Money, etc.) are not subject to this. Interestingly, cursed Cats with the "Target Only" ability will only attack enemy bases. The Fruit Treasures increase the duration of the effect against certain enemy traits by 20%.

Cursed units will display a small colored flame icon beside them to indicate that they have been afflicted with a Curse; green on Cats, yellow on enemies.

For a list of Cats with the "Curse" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Curse" ability, see here.

The Curseblast Cannon also has this effect.

Dodge Attack[] This ability was added in BCJP 8.9. Dodge Temporarily avoids all damage from attacks from the target enemy type.

Cats with this ability have a chance to take no damage from an enemy of a specific type and become immune to attacks from all targeted types for a set amount of time therafter, while enemies will simply dodge any attack and become immune to all damage sources. When a unit successfully dodges an attack, a small yellow shield icon will briefly appear beside them, which disappears after their immunity ends. The Fruit Treasures increase the duration of the effect against certain enemy traits by 20%.

Units with the Behemoth Slayer ability do not target enemies by trait, instead dodging attacks from all Behemoths when it ability activates.

For a list of Cats with the "Dodge Attack" ability, see here.

As of 12.7, only two enemies have this ability, them being MikuDoge & Li'l Doge.

Toxic[] This ability was added in BCJP 9.1.

This ability is currently exclusive to enemies, but can be disabled by Curse like other trait-specific abilities. Enemies with this ability have a set chance to do a Toxic attack, indicated by the attack producing a purple splatter effect and a unique sound effect. Toxic attacks deal additional bonus damage equal to a certain percentage of their target's maximum HP along with the enemies' base damage as well, which varies depending on the enemy. Toxic damage bypasses the Metal ability, but has no effect on bases.

For a list of enemies with the "Toxic" ability, see here.

Neutral Abilities[]

Abilities in this section are listed under the "Effects" section of the filter - excluding enemy-specific abilities. Effects work against all enemy types when applicable (with the exceptions of Colossus Slayer, Behemoth Slayer, Witch Killer and Eva Angel Killer), and therefore are not disabled by Curse.

Strengthen[] Strengthen After this unit's health falls below a set amount its attacks grow much stronger.

Also known as Attack Up, units with this ability will receive an attack power boost once their health drops to a specified amount, which persists until death.

This ability is affected by "Strengthen" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Strengthen" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Strengthen" ability, see here.

Survive[] Survive After this unit's health falls below zero, it may heal itself by a small amount.

Also known as Survives, units with this ability have a set chance to survive a single lethal strike. When this activates, the unit is knocked back with 1 HP left.

For a list of Cats with the "Survive" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Survive" ability, see here.

Base Destroyer[] Base Destroyer If this unit is attacking an enemy base its attacks will do much more damage.

Any unit with this ability inflicts 4x damage to the opposing base.

Warlock and Pierre is the first and currently the only Cat Unit to have this ability in the mobile version, however in the removed PC version, Honda Tadakatsu had the ability as well.

For a list of enemies with the "Base Destroyer" ability, see here.

Critical[] Critical Attacks by this unit have a set chance of extra damage that can hurt Metal enemies.

Units with this ability can do a Critical Hit, which is indicated by producing a burst of yellow stars with a unique sound effect. Critical Hits inflict 2x damage on all targets and ignore the "Metal" ability that reduces all damage taken to 1.

This ability is affected by "Critical Chance" Cat Combos.

For a list of Cats with the "Critical Hit" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Critical Hit" ability, see here.

Burrow[] This ability has no official name. It was added in BCJP 5.6.

An ability exclusive to Zombie Enemies. Enemies with this ability will burrow underground when a Cat enters their range. Before going underground, enemies will perform a brief animation which leaves them vulnerable; if knocked back during said animation, their burrow will be canceled.

Underground enemies are invulnerable until they resurface, which happens after reaching the Cat Base or a certain distance depending on the enemy.

Most Zombies can only burrow once, others never, but The Thrillerz can do this twice, while Miss Haka and Big Sal can burrow as many times as they please.

As of 12.7, Znache and Zir Zeal have the longest burrow distance (1500), while Zroco has the shortest (375).

The Holy Blast Cat Cannon can damage underground enemies and force them to resurface immediately.

For a list of enemies with the "Burrow" ability, see here.

Revive[] This ability has no official name. It was added in BCJP 5.6.

This ability is exclusive to certain Zombie Enemies, and allows them to come back to life after a set amount of time. Upon death, enemies that can still revive will not drop any money, and will leave behind a purple puddle with a bone and skull to indicate where they will "return". The puddle is harmless, cannot be hit by units without the Soulstrike ability but still counts toward the enemy limit. Enemies with this ability have varying revival time, revive limit and remaining %HP after respawn. Any status effects inflicted are also passed on when the enemy does revive, although this is only apparent on those with very short revival delays or if a Soulstrike unit that has such abilities attacks the zombie.

As of 12.7, Death Angel Z-Onel has the shortest revival time (0.5s), while Formicidaean Ariant has the longest (24s). Most enemies respawn with either 50% or 100% HP, except for Inumusha, Big Peng Z and Daboo of the Dead, which respawn with 25%, 10% and 10% HP respectively.

For a list of enemies with the "Revive" ability, see here.

Metal[] Metal Damage from most attacks is reduced significantly, but the unit will remain vulnerable to Critical strikes.

Units with this ability take only 1 damage per hit. Toxic attacks and Critical Hits ignore this ability.

Metal Cat, Glass Cat and the Iron Wall Cat are currently the only Cat Units to be Metal, while all Metal enemies have this ability.

For a list of enemies with the "Metal" ability, see here.

Zombie Killer[] This ability was added in BCJP 5.6. Zombie Killer Units with this ability can prevent Zombie enemies from reviving.

A Zombie won't revive if a Zombie Killer does the final blow, which is indicated by a blue flash with a unique sound cue. The visual and sound effects from this ability will be present even if a Zombie can't revive anymore. Most anti-Zombies have this ability, which is completely appropriate as some powerful Zombie enemies have infinite revives.

For a list of Cats with the "Zombie Killer" ability, see here.

The Holy Blast Cat Cannon also has this ability.

Soulstrike[] This ability was added in BCJP 11.3. Zukan icon41 Attacks can deliver damage to temporarily "dead" Zombie enemies.

Units with this ability can attack Zombie Enemies that are temporarily dead. The Zombies' remains are treated as having the same amount of health that they would revive with (i.e., a fallen Zoge is treated as having 50% of his HP, while Daboo of the Dead has 10%), and any damage dealt to them will carry over if they revive. All units with this ability also have Zombie Killer, so it's only useful for cleaning up corpses left behind by non-Zombie Killers, especially those with infinite revives which non-Zombie killers have no hopes of eliminating on their own.

The Holy Blast Cannon and the Breakerblast Cannon both have this ability.

For a list of Cats with the "Soulstrike" ability, see here.

Barrier[] This ability was added in BCJP 6.5.

A Barrier is a defensive ability exclusive to certain Starred Aliens. Enemies with Barriers are protected by a red, rhombus-shaped crystal which fully blocks all attacks that are weaker than its limit. The player needs to land one strike with high enough power to break it, which is the upper limit it can protect the enemy. An animation of the Barrier materializing and flashing is shown when an attack of insufficient strength hits the Barrier, and another one of the Barrier cracking and falling apart when it breaks. When a Barrier is destroyed, the attack that broke it is still considered blocked and has no effect on the unit, unless the attack was from a Barrier Breaker. Attacks of insufficient strength cannot affect the protected unit in any way, including debuffs that the attack would have inflicted.

Each enemy with this ability has a different Barrier limit. As of 12.7, Youcan and UltraBaaBaa are tied for the toughest Barrier limit, at 266,000, while Corporal Weyland has the lowest at 2,500. The Barrier includes damage-related effects during damage calculation, such as Massive Damage, Savage Blow, etc.

The health of Barriers, unlike that of Shields, is fixed and doesn't change with strength magnification.

For a list of enemies with the "Barrier" ability, see here.

Shield[] This ability was added in BCJP 10.8.

Exclusive to Aku Enemies, Shields work similarly to Barriers in their ability to negate excess damage, but can also be destroyed by accumulating damage. They provide immunity to crowd control effects like Slow and Freeze.

Shields also regenerate with a specific percentage of their total HP when their users are knocked back unless it dies in that hit, specific to the enemy in question. They also scale with enemy strength magnifications.

For a list of enemies with the "Shield" ability, see here.

Barrier Breaker[] This ability was added in BCJP 6.5. Barrier Breaker Has a chance to nullify enemy barriers and deliver huge damage upon break.

The counter ability of Barrier. Cats with this ability can randomly destroy any Barrier, even ones for which their raw attack would never be enough. This is indicated by a unique animation where the Barrier shatters violently as opposed to cracking apart when normally destroyed. If a Barrier Breaker unit manages to break a Barrier, the attack that destroyed the Barrier will deal full damage to the enemy and can inflict relevant effects. Some Cats have a 100% chance to break Barriers, like Fencer Cat, while others only have a chance to do so.

For a list of Cats with the "Barrier Breaker" ability, see here.

The Breakerblast Cannon also causes this effect and has a 100% chance of doing so. Shield Piercing[] This ability was added in BCJP 10.8. Shieldbreak Attacks have set chance to nullify Aku Shields and deliver huge damage

The counter ability for shields. Units with this ability have a chance to instantly destroy Shields on regardless of their attack power and deal their normal attack to said enemy.

For a list of Cats with the "Shield Piercing" ability, see here.

Savage Blow[] This ability was added in BCJP 8.8. Savage blow Set chance to deal a large amount of extra damage.

This ability is similar to Critical Hit, giving the unit a set chance to perform a "Savage Blow" that deals extra damage, indicated by the attack producing a burst of red sparks and a unique sound effect similar to a splatter. Unlike Critical Hits, however, Savage Blows do not ignore Metal units' ability of "one hit = 1 damage." The damage done varies depending on the unit, but currently all units with this ability have a 3x damage multiplier.

Narita Kaihime is the first unit to have this ability, while Akane Tendo was the first enemy to have it.

For a list of Cats with the "Savage Blow" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Savage Blow" ability, see here.

Extra Money[] Extra Money Money rewards from defeating indicated enemy types will be increased.

Also known as Money Up, units with this ability double the amount of money gained from enemies they defeat. Contrary to the description, Extra Money affects all enemies and cannot be disabled by Curse.

Cat Combos like IT Crowd and Speak of the Devil allow all units to have a smaller scale of this ability.

For a list of Cats with the "Extra Money" ability, see here.

Wave Attack[] Zukan icon14 Attacks will strike all enemies in range, delivering extra damage from the energy wave released.

Also known as just Wave or wave, with this ability can create Wave Attacks, but only when their attack connects. See the Wave Attack article for more information.

The waves are purple when emitted by Units and blue by enemies. Wave Attacks can inherit most other properties of the normal attack (namely abilities), but will never hit bases. Units with Immune to Waves, Wave Shield or Resist Wave abilities receive no or less damage from Waves.

For a list of Cats with the "Wave Attack" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Wave Attack" ability, see here.

Mini-Wave[] This ability was added in BCJP 10.1. Zukan icon38 Successful attacks may deliver extra damage to enemies within range as a small Wave strike.

Units with this ability can create smaller Wave Attacks, but only when their attack connects. Mini-Waves share most properties with regular waves, but they travel at double the speed and only carry 20% of the original attack's damage. Units with Immune to Waves, Wave Shield or Resist Wave abilities receive no or less damage from Mini-Waves.

For a list of Cats with the "Mini-Wave" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Mini-Wave" ability, see here

Surge Attacks[] This ability was added in version 9.2. Volcano effect Successful attacks deal extra damage to random sections in their attack area.

Also known as Surge or surge, a Surge Attack is a long-distance, lingering attack that generates randomly in a given area when an attack connects. When the unit lands a hit, it has a chance to release a large, geyser-like blast which deals the same damage as the initial attack every second. There are different parameters which establish where the Surge Attack spawns and how long it lasts:

Level of the Surge Attack determines how long it will linger on the field for. A Lv.1 Surge lasts for 20f; each level increases the duration by 20f and allows the Surge to hit the same target one more time. Area of effect: Every unit with this ability has a designated area where a Surge Attack can appear; this value is independent from the attack range and will determine the minimum and maximum range in which the attack can appear, covering about 200px.

Despite looking similar, Surge Attacks are completely different from Wave Attacks; Immune to Waves, Wave Shield and Resist Wave will not protect against them, but Immune to Surge/Resist Surge do. Animated Bases, which don't take wave damage, will still be harmed by surges.

For a list of Cats with the "Surge Attacks" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Surge Attacks" ability, see here.

Mini-Surge[] This ability was added in version 12.3. Zukan icon43 Successful attacks release a small Surge that delivers extra damage to a random point.

Units with this ability can create smaller Surge Attacks, but only when their attack connects. Mini-Surges share most properties with regular Surge Attacks, but they only carry 20% of the original attack's damage. Units with the Immune to Surge or Resist Surge abilities receive no or less damage from Mini-Surges.

King of Doom Phono is currently the first Cat Unit to have this ability.

Aftermath[] This ability has no official name. It was added in BCJP 10.9.

Aftermath is the unofficial name of an ability exclusive to certain Aku Enemies. Units with this ability have a set chance to spawn a Surge Attack when killed. Visually, this is represented by a unique Aku soul instead of a regular white soul emerging. Like any Surge, the Aftermath has a specific level and spawn area depending on the enemy. However, it is not affected by any Weaken or Curse that may have been applied before their creator's demise.

For a list of enemies with the "Aftermath" ability, see here.

Counter-Surge[] This ability has no official name. It was added in BCJP 12.4.

Counter-Surge is the unofficial name of an ability that allows certain enemies to creates their own Surge Attacks whenever a Surge hits them. If the same Surge hits multiple times, it triggers a counter only once, but if multiple surges from the same multi-hit attack hit, all will result in a counter. Visually, this is represented by a one-eyed soul with a pink aura appearing above the user, jittering for a moment, and firing off a Surge from its eyes before returning to the user's body, taking a total of 1.7 seconds to execute. The Surge's level, type (small or normal) and spawn range are inherited from the attack that triggered it, while damage, debuffs and other effects come from enemy itself; when used by multi-hit enemies like Kappy Kawano, the damage is equal to the first hit of their attack. Unlike with Aftermath, weaken and curse applied to the enemy DO affect the Surge.

Note that enemies with Counter-Surge still receive full damage from Surge Attacks. Also, Counter-Surges are not generated unless the enemy takes direct damage from a Surge Attack. This means that if an enemy is protected by a Shield which takes the full damage of the Surge and breaks (no shield piercing), the enemy will not counter.

For a list of enemies with the "Counter-Surge" ability, see here.

Wave Shield[] This ability was added in BCJP 5.6. Zukan icon24 This Unit can negate Wave Attacks and protect units behind them from their effect.

Units with this ability not only have immunity to Wave Attack damage, but will also cancel the Wave Attack on contact. Any units behind will not be harmed by the Wave Attack.

Upon touching a Wave Attack, units with this ability will briefly display a red hexagonal barrier in front of them to indicate that the waves have been stopped.

Since Wave Attacks only deal damage when a wave blast reaches its hit frame, if the blast is nullified before so, units that are in the front but within the area of said blast will also not be harmed.

For a list of Cats with the "Wave Shield" ability, see here.

Colossus Slayer[] This ability was added in BCJP 11.2. BaronKillerAbility Increases attack damage and defense versus Colossal enemies.

Units with this ability deal 1.6x damage to and take 0.7x damage from Colossal Enemies. These will stack with other anti-trait abilities.

For a list of Cats with the "Colossus Slayer" ability, see here.

Behemoth Slayer[] This ability was added in BCJP 11.5. Zukan icon42 Increases attack damage and defense versus Behemoth enemies, with a chance to Dodge their attacks.

Units with this ability deal 2.5x damage to Behemoth Enemies, take 0.6x damage from Behemoths and have a set chance to dodge their attacks. The dodge effect's chance and duration vary from unit to unit, but is usually at 5%. These will stack with other anti-trait abilities.

For a list of Cats with the "Behemoth Slayer" ability, see here.

Kamikaze[] This ability has no official name. It was added in BCJP 6.7.

Units with this ability perish after completing an attack and produce no soul when doing so. They tend to have high defensive stats or other abilities to ensure the attack will connect properly.

For a list of Cats with the "Kamikaze" ability, see here.

For a list of Enemies with the "Kamikaze" ability, see here.


Immunities are a subset of general abilities. They are listed under the "Effects" section of the filter.

Immune to Weaken[] This ability was added in BCJP 5.3. Weaken Immunity Enemy attacks will not weaken the attacks of this unit.

Units with this ability cannot be weakened by enemies. Upon being hit by an attack that would inflict Weaken, they will briefly display a blue barrier in front of them to indicate that the effect has been negated.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Weaken" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Immune to Weaken" ability, see here.

Immune to Freeze[] This ability was added in BCJP 5.3. Freeze Immunity Enemy attacks will not freeze the movement of this unit.

Units with this ability cannot be stopped by opposing freeze abilities. Upon being hit by an attack that would inflict Freeze, they will briefly display a blue barrier in front of them to indicate that the effect has been negated.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Freeze" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Immune to Freeze" ability, see here.

Immune to Slow[] This ability was added in BCJP 5.3. Slow Immunity Enemy attacks will not cause slowdown against this unit.

Units with this ability cannot be slowed down by enemies. Upon being hit by an attack that would inflict Slow, they will briefly display a blue barrier in front of them to indicate that the effect has been negated.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Slow" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Immune to Slow" ability, see here.

Immune to Knockback[] This ability was added in BCJP 5.3. Knockback Immunity Enemy attacks will not cause this unit to be knocked back.

Units with this ability are unaffected by enemies' Knockback abilities. They can still be knocked back by health loss, and enemies with Knockback Immunity can be pushed back by Sniper the Cat. Upon being hit by an attack that would inflict knockback, units with this ability will briefly display a blue barrier in front of them to indicate that the effect has been negated.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Knockback" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Immune to Knockback" ability, see here.

Immune to Waves[] This ability was added in BCJP 4.6. Zukan icon16 This unit does not take damage from Wave attacks.

Units with this ability cannot be hit by an opposing Wave Attack as well as any associated effects. When a wave hits them, these units will display a small shield beside them.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Waves" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Immune to Waves" ability, see here.

Immune to Surge[] This ability was added in BCJP 9.5. Surge Immune Does not take Surge damage caused by enemy attacks.

Also known as Immune to Surge, this ability completely negates Surge damage for its user. When hit by a Surge Attack, units with this ability will briefly have a small blue shield icon appear beside them, indicating that they have taken no damage from the Surge.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Surge" ability, see here.

For a list of enemies with the "Immune to Surge" ability, see here.

Warp Blocker[] Warp Blocker Enemy Warp abilities do not affect this unit.

Units with this ability cannot be warped by enemies. Upon being hit by an attack that would inflict Warp, with this ability will briefly display a blue barrier in front of them to indicate that the effect had been negated.

For a list of Cats with the "Warp Blocker" ability, see here.

659 is currently the only enemy unit with this ability, despite there being no Cat Units or Cannons that are capable of warping enemy units.

Immune to Curse[] This ability was added in BCJP 7.0. Epicability1 Immune to temporary status effects inflicted by enemy Curses.

Also known as just Curse Immunity, units with this ability cannot be cursed by enemies. Upon being hit by an attack that would inflict Curse, they will briefly display a blue barrier in front of them to indicate that the effect has been negated.

Most anti-Relic units have this ability, such as they could function normally even when under fire as almost all Relics have a 100% curse chance with at least 100% uptime.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Curse" ability, see here.

Immune to Toxic[] This ability was added in BCJP 9.3. Poison immune Immune to Toxic effects of enemy attacks!

Cats with this ability will not receive Toxic damage. Upon being hit by an attack that would inflict Toxic damage, cats with this ability will briefly display a blue barrier in front of them to indicate that the effect had been negated.

For a list of Cats with the "Immune to Toxic" ability, see here.

Collaboration-exclusive Abilities[]

Collaboration-exclusive abilities do not appear in the filter.

Witch Killer[]

This ability was added in BCJP 5.5.

WitchKiller Huge attack and defense boost vs Witch enemies found in Madoka Magica Collab stages.

Witch Killer is exclusive to units from the Madoka Magica Collaboration Event. Any unit with this ability deals x5 damage to and takes 1/10 damage from Witches.

This ability is affected by the special "My Very Best Friend" Combo, which multiplies the effects of this ability by 5. While this Combo is active, Witch Killers will inflict x25 damage and only take 1/50 damage from Witch enemies.

For a list of Cats with the "Witch Killer" ability, see here.

Eva Angel Killer[]

This ability was added in BCJP 6.10.

Epicability2 Deals extra damage to / takes less damage from Evangelion Collab bosses.

Eva Angel Killer is exclusive to units from the Neon Genesis Evangelion Collaboration Event. Any unit with this ability deals x5 damage to and takes 1/5 damage from Eva Angels.

This ability is affected by the unique "You Will Find Happiness" Combo. While this Combo is active, Eva Angel Killers will inflict x25 damage and only take 1/25 damage from Eva Angels.

For a list of Cats with the "Eva Angel Killer" ability, see here.

Talent-exclusive Abilities[] Resist[]

A series of partial resistances to negative effects, these are unique to units' Talents. They are weaker versions of the "Immune" abilities, reducing the effect of debuffs by a certain percentage depending on Talent level. The maximum reduction is -50% for knockback distance as well as damage from surge, wave and toxic. The other abilities are reduce by up to -70%.

Warp Resistant (currently unused) Resist Weaken Resist Freeze Resist Slow Resist Knockback Resist Wave Resist Curse Resist Toxic Resist Surge Stat Enhancements[]

Modifies certain stat parameters by a set value or a percentage, depending on the Talent level.

Defense Buff (up to +20%, or +80% for special cats unlocked with catfood) Attack Buff (up to +20%, or +80% for special cats unlocked with catfood) Move Speed Up Improved Knockback (currently unused) Cost Down Recover Speed Up Attack Frequency Up Notes[] 1f (frame) is a 1/30 second, thus 30f is 1 second.

Gallery The Battle Cats Wiki has a gallery for Special Abilities. Zukan icon43 Visit this page to see it. Zukan icon43 Trivia[] Prior to Version 11.2, the abilities and effects in the filter were lumped together into one big block, rather than having them separated by "Abilities" and "Effects" like in later versions. The more organized filter introduced in 11.2 was always present in YuruGeGe, making it one of the few YuruGeGe-exclusive features to be added to The Battle Cats. Despite being the oldest enemy type, Traitless wasn't shown in the filter until version 11.2. However, from Version 8.0 to 11.1, an unused "W" (White) icon could be found in the game's files. White icon

Unused original Traitless icon

The Witch Killer icon was added to BCEN's files in the same update as BCJP, 5.5, even though BCEN would not receive the Madoka Magia Collab until June 2019, or nearly 3 years thereafter. Insane Damage, Critical and Savage Blow all had their icons changed in Version 8.9. Insane Damage icon before 8.9Insane Damage icon before 8.9Critical icon before 8.9Critical icon before 8.9Savage Blow icon before 8.9Savage Blow icon before 8.9 All Wave-related abilities except Resist Wave had their icons changed in Version 12.3. Wave Attack icon before 12.3Wave Attack icon before 12.3Mini-Wave icon before 12.3Mini-Wave icon before 12.3Wave Shield icon before 12.3Wave Shield icon before 12.3Immune to Waves icon before 12.3Immune to Waves icon before 12.3 Despite being exclusive to enemies, the Warp ability has been displayed in the filter since Version 8.0. Mesocosmocyclone's negative warp enables it to teleport cats behind the enemy base under rare circumstances. When this happens, the cats will continue to walk forward until they go off-screen, disappearing from the battle but still counting towards the Cat Deploy Limit. The portals created when a unit is being warped resemble the portals from the game Portal as the initial portal is orange while the secondary portal is blue. The soul that appears when the Counter-Surge ability activates resembles the top of the Surge Base (which itself is modeled after the Monument to the Revolution of the people of Moslavina in Croatia), as well as the boss 0² from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Immune to Waves was originally named Unharmed by Waves. This was changed at an unknown date. Immune to Surge was originally named Evade Surge. It's unknown when this was changed. Besides Immune to Waves, the "Immune to X" abilities were originally named "Resist X". This was changed somewhere between version 8.0 and 8.10, temporarily overlapping with the current "Resist Xs" introduced in version 8.0. Navigation Games Main BCEN (Old • Current) • BCJP (Old • Current) • BCTW • BCKR • 3DS (Name Comparisons) • Minna de Nyanko DaisensouJP only, removed • Switch • Regional Differences Spin-offs Kumanchu RoyaleJP only, removed, old generation phones • Battle Cats Rangersremoved • Nyanko RunawayJP only, removed • Nyanko Defence ForceJP only, removed • Nyanko New JapanJP only • Go! Go! Pogo Cat • The Burgle Cats • Battle Cats Quest Related Mr. seriesremoved • GirlsMonsJP only, removed • NamesutaJP only, removed • Kyoutou ProjectJP only, removed • Yuru-i GeGeGe no Kitarou: Youkai Dotabata DaisensouJP only, removed Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu • Cat BeaconBCJP only • Invite Friends to get Monekoremoved • Serial Codesremoved • Game Updates Game Modes Game Chaptersexplanation • Main Chapters Levelslist • Empire of Cats • Into the Future • Cats of the Cosmos • The Aku Realms • Legend Stages • Challenge Battle • Underground Labyrinth • Catclaw Dojo (Arena of Honor) Cat Base Menu Upgrade Menu Cat Units (Explanation • Cat Dictionaryimages • Release OrderID list)

Rarities: Normal (NN) • Special (EX) • Rare (RR) • Super Rare (SR) • Uber Rare (UR) • Legend Rare (LR) Base Upgrades: Cat Cannon • Worker Cat • Research • Accounting • Study • Energy Related: Cat Filter • Level-up • User Rank • True Form • Special Abilities • Talents • Talent Orbs

Equip Menu Cat Combo (Main Article • Release Order • Old Version) Treasure Menu Explanation • Treasure Festival Guide Menus Guides (Cat Guide • Enemy Guide)Enemy Units (Explanation • Enemy Dictionaryimages • SoL Order • UL Order • ZL Enemies • Release OrderID list)

Types: Traitless • Red • Floating • Black • Metal • Angel • Alien (Starred) • Zombie • Aku • Relic • Typeless • Colossal • Behemoth • Witchcollab • Eva Angelcollab

Gacha Menu Main Article • Full List • UR Guaranteed • Step Up Other Menu Shop Items • Gamatoto Expedition • Cat Shrine • Ototo Development Team • Catnip Challenges • Officers' Club • Meow Medals • Wildcat Slots • Cat Scratcher Items & Currencies XP • NP • Cat Food • Battle Items • Catamins • Materials • Tickets • Catfruit/Behemoth Stones • Catseyes Battle System General Battle Mechanism • Reward Mechanism Stage types Timed Score Reward • Restriction (No Continues • Continuation Stage • Restriction Stage) • Gauntlet Related to Main Chapters Zombie Outbreaks Related to Legend Stages Special Events (Release Order) • Event Schedule • Stage Difficulties • Item Drop Cats Misc. Contents Merchandise • BCEN Exclusive • BCJP Exclusive • BCTW Exclusive • BCKR Exclusive • Recovery Mode • Pop Culture References • April Fools' Jokes • Unimplemented Features




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